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Gray Fox

#3d Model
130.00$11 664₽
The model is a fan-art- project based on the concepts of Yoji Shinkava’s works. The character was fully created in ZBrush. The assault vest was made in Modo and was taken both from a bashkit set and one made on my on. The character has a high quality triangulated Hipoly model additionally there lowpoly model with textures 4096x4096 and the number of triangles of 12 000 Total volume 223,74 mb


Made by means of projecting the texture of a mask through UV map on the model. All the solid surfaces are made with TrimAdaptiv and hpolish brushes.


Major brushes used in the project were ClayBuildup, Standard, spolish



.zip_hipoly model (.ztl) .zip_lowpoly model (.fbx .obj .max) texture normal/ specular/power/diffus 4k (.tga) + .JPG render exempls


Before changing the high poly model use dynamesh or Zremesher



Attention   Before using textures to shader PBR It wants to change the texture of specular and power

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